Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

My way

And now the end is near And so i face the finally curtain
My friend i'll say it clear i'll state my case
of which im curtain
i've lived a life thats full i travelled each
and every high way and more much more than this
i did it my way

Regards i've had a vew but then a gain
too few too mension
I'did what i had to do ,and saw is true
without exemption i planed each charted course
Each carefull step along the by way
but more Much more than this
I did it my way

yes there were time,Im sure you knew
when i bit of more than i could chew
but thru' it all when there was doubt
I ate it up i speed it out
i faced it all and i stood all
And i did it my way
I've love i've loughed and cried
i've had my fill
My share of losing and now As tears subside
I fire it all so a mushing,to thing i did it all that
and may i say not in shy way
oh no......
I did it my way

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